The “Bittersweet” Perpetual Check against stronger opponents
To achieve a win in Chess, you need to actively look for one.
To achieve a win in Chess, you need to actively look for one.
A concept involving elements of Classical Mechanics!
An entertaining chess variant where pieces do not appear until they are “produced” by advancing pawns to the fourth row.
There are tons of material about the importance of discovered attack/check, and how to turn it into a strong tactic and a powerful weapon. But what about playing against a discovered attack set-up...?
A defending move, the hidden tactical blow and the false, subconscious assumption which significantly increases the chance of missing the tactic.
"A Bishop that performs three consecutive pawn captures, trampling the King's pawn cover", just like a wild elephant would. A rare but impressive concept.
An interesting game where Black came with a strong and unexpected in-between move in the Opening.
The best part is that both moves practically carry out the same task on the board!